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Yeswise Inspiry

"inspiry" ~ a wellspring of inspiration

holistic reality, creative mind and well-being

wisdom for a wild worried world

natural health, healing, mind, betterment, philosophy, holistic reality


with Jon David Miller, M.A., M.Div.

holistic researcher, educator, practitioner, philosopher & author

~ 60+ years of reality research ~


"We are living major history in the making. The deeper you dig and the higher you climb, the more you will learn."

digging deeper, climbing higher, more aware


(more about Jon)



Who Are You? - (on Brighteon)

Who Are You? - (on Rumble)

Who are you? What is your point of view? Your identity? Are you the first, second or third person, I, you or they?

Primordial questions: of conscious awareness - who am I? . . . of interaction - who are you? . . . of separation - who are they? . . . of relationship - who are we?

Rene Descartes, the famous French philosopher, set a philosophical landmark with his statement, “I think, therefore I am.”

Who is it that thinks? Who says what is said? Am I really defined by my thoughts?

Who is? Who is it that is?

The physical senses contribute to the tendency to identity with the body. Yet we also have the concept of a distinct conscious entity that occupies the body.

What is the ego? The categorizing, organizing, action and protection functions of the psyche.

Who is the self? The sense of distinction from what is around us, living or inanimate. The assumed subject of thinking, choice and intention.

What is the soul? The higher self-connection with other dimensions and greater consciousness.

How does the appearance of separation cloud our recognition of the collective level of awareness we share?

In meditative contemplation we can unleash intuitive insight to perceive more of holistic reality.

I am aware. We are aware. Awareness is . . . creative and self-sustaining.

In creative awareness we are sustained in loving unity.


identity, think, question, conscious, awareness, interaction, separation, relationship, philosopher, thoughts, ego, self, soul, recognition, meditative, holistic, reality, creative, sustaining, loving, unity



Nature, Religion and Culture - (on Brighteon)

Nature, Religion and Culture - (on Rumble)

Many human beliefs and cultural events are based on the natural cycles incorporated in our calendar, structures of thinking and behavior.

For example, in antiquity the concept of a month was based on the 28-day moon cycle. Then a week of 7 days was ¼ of the month.

There should actually be 13 months of 28 days plus 1 New Year’s Day in a year, with a second day of New Year’s holiday for “leap year”.

Months were altered in both name, number and length during the Roman Empire. This makes our calendar somewhat out of whack, but it is still based on the 365 1/4 day solar cycle.

Some astrologers now argue for 13 astrological signs, with the new one being “Ophiuchus”, which is shorter in duration.

The sun, moon and planets were so important in the thinking of earlier people that they were associated with gods. The names of the days of the week and some of the months, honor both gods and celestial bodies.

The institutional Christian church overlaid many of the liturgical holidays on the widely celebrated natural cycle events, such as the winter solstice and the Spring equinox, incorporating some special celebrations of pagan cultures.

The many symbols and representations of these themes in religion, art, entertainment, advertising, brands, logos and even news events, work mostly unconsciously to condition and possibly limit our level of awareness.

To the degree that we organize our lives around the weekly, monthly and annual calendar, our thoughts and behavior are still very connected to our natural, agricultural and religious roots.

The greater wisdom is to learn our real history, improve our health, awaken to reality, gain understanding of mind and soul, and expand creative conscious awareness.


nature, religion, culture, events, cycles, calendar, thinking, behavior, month, moon, year, astrological, solar, sun, gods, church, liturgical, pagan, symbol, art, news, unconscious, awareness, health, mind



The Real New Year's Day? - (on Brighteon)

The Real new Year's Day? - (on Rumble)

Have we been fooled? Is March 1st or April 1st the real New Year’s Day?!

The Church under Pope Gregory XIII changed the 12-month solar calendar in October of 1582, replacing the Julian Calendar and skipping 10 days to correct an error in centuries of leap year adjustments.

What other calendar changes were made in long ago?

The Julian format, also a 12-month calendar, treated every year divisible by 4 as a leap year, and added a day to adjust for the actual 365.2422 days of each solar year. However, the .25 day per year adjustment was too much, and the calendar gradually became out of sync with nature.

The Gregorian Calendar introduced a corrected leap year adjustment process such that every year that is exactly divisible by four is a leap year, except for years that are divisible by 100, unless they are divisible by exactly 400.

For example, the years 1700, 1800, and 1900 were not leap years, but the year 2000 was.

July and August, the sunny summer months, had been renamed in honor of Roman Emperors Julius Caesar and Augustus Caesar, pushing the numbered months of September (7th), October (8th), November (9th) and December (10th) out of alignment with their number names.

Other months were named after various gods, such as March for the war god Mars.

January and February should be the 11th and 12th months, as reflected in adding “Leap Day” onto February as though it were the end of the year. In fact, March 1 used to be New Year’s Day in the Roman Empire before an earlier calendar change was made.

However, on a lunar basis there really should be 13 months, for example 12 months of 28 days with one more month having 29, totaling 365 days for the solar year. The current leap year process could then make the adjustments for the partial day each year to keep up with the sun.

If March were the 13th lunar month of the year, April 1 would be the real New Year’s Day at the beginning of Spring, and nature’s renewal.

A 13 month “lunisolar” calendar was proposed in the 19th Century, and considered by world bodies, but eventually rejected for purposes of business continuity.

While we’re at it, the term “Easter” is really about the ancient Ishtar/Astarte pagan fertility ritual, symbolized by rabbits and eggs, that the Church incorporated as a liturgical holiday.

“Resurrection Sunday” is the more appropriate term for Yeshua’s rising from the tomb, which some theologians believe was on March 31.

Perhaps “April Fools’ Day” refers to us being fooled into following an improper calendar, hiding the real New Year’s Day!

In any case, Spring is a time of change and renewal. We can let nature inspire us for our own transformation to better awareness and creativity.


new, year, fooled, month, solar, Julian, calendar, leap-year, nature, Gregorian, Roman, emperor, gods, lunar, sun, Spring, renewal, change, transformation, better, awareness, creativity



Healing and Growth - (on Brighteon)

Healing and Growth - (on Rumble)

As we move farther into 2024, an anticipated time of transformation is developing. Changes and disturbances are occurring and may become intense.

Let us focus on healing and growth in awareness as we express our love and care for each other in this challenging time.

Holistic living is the path for resolving the challenges of this era.

Awareness of multiple dimensions of reality is essential for clearing issues of health, emotional disturbances, misunderstanding and conflict.

Loving awareness of what is really going on will clear the fear that the powers that be have manifested.

There has been an ongoing struggle between freedom and tyranny in human experience. Holistic freedom is a matter of love, consciousness, lifestyle, association and organization.

A tyranny that establishes mind control and resets these key aspects of life can dominate for a long time. Now high technology makes this very possible, as we see the attempt for full control unfolding. Thankfully, we are becoming aware.

Understanding with the power of loving awareness is sparking a transformation in consciousness and improving the world.

Holistic healing is mutually related with holistic loving. Our power of love serves the whole world.

Perhaps this is the most important period of our lifetime thus far. Facing various major challenges, we can prepare with courage, lift up love, and focus its light in healing and transforming the world, making it better.


healing, growth, transformation, awareness, love, care, holistic, living, challenges, conflict, freedom, tyranny, consciousness, mind, control, life, technology, improving, world, loving, focus, light, transforming, better



Reality Analysis - (on Brighteon)

Reality Analysis - (on Rumble)

Reality analysis is a method of critical examination drawing on development of the holistic awareness of reality.

Holistic reality analysis regards an issue or topic with a comprehensive approach. We can draw on a variety of resources and entertain multiple points of view within a larger picture of reality.

Employing holistic reality analysis, we can examine what is going on, compare interpretations, ideas and opinions, uncover manipulation and falsehood, learn real ways of making things better, share thoughts and determine the best course of good creative action serving our advancement in consciousness.


Critical Thinking

Learning critical thinking has been pretty much phased out of the mass educational process over the years. Those among us that still have enough critical ability to perceive that controlled media presents us a distortion of reality, have turned to other sources of information.

There are many alternative websites, some reflecting just one individual’s view on matters of their choice, and others presenting multiple articles from different people on various issues.

Critical skills are needed just as much in the alternative realm, because controlled opposition and disinformation agents are positioned by the power cabal on all sides of every issue or event important to them.

Many of these actors actually represent vested interests. Similarly, media and political puppets push points of an agenda planned and set by those above them in the pyramid.

Trolls often post disparaging remarks or express a countering point of view in the web page comments of online articles and videos.

The confusion and potential chaos of opposing viewpoints, competing interests and hostile threats are routinely exploited by those in positions of control as means of distraction and diversion of energy, as well as to spotlight social conditioning issues to the masses.

The Hegelian Dialectic of thesis - antithesis - synthesis, or problem - reaction - solution, is used in conjunction with game theory, propaganda, false flags, public poisons and military psychological operations strategy to guide the populace toward and through gates of acceptance leading to debility, infertility, mind control and early demise.

Think tanks and boards of the Complex Empire are playing high-level chess enhanced by computerized intelligence in service of the multi-generational goal of the upper echelon of the global elitist cabal, full spectrum dominance of humanity.

With the holistic reality analysis process, we can recognize our serious situation, then learn to protect ourselves and take steps to work together to make things better.


Realizing Reality

We live in a web of false reality designed by selfish plotters to distract and control our minds. It is critical to dispel falsehood with the cleaner brain, clearer perception and good sense of holistic awareness.

It is time for goodness, the power of love, to bring an end to hate, harm and the "divide-and-rule" psychological operations used to generate fear and confusion and to maintain false knowledge.

In the face of the oncoming robotic revolution and implementation of artificial intelligence operations, the immense importance of human beings realizing and maintaining their natural roots in reality is raised to urgency.

The potential benefits of attuning with holistic awareness of reality are: increasing wellness, improving intelligence, clarifying perception, restoring intentional will, exploring valid knowledge, expanding awareness, enhancing goodness and sharing mutually in creative expression with loving kindness.


reality, analysis, holistic, awareness, manipulation, creative, action, consciousness, critical, thinking, media, alternative, disinformation, political, propaganda, poisons, psychological, operations, robotic, revolution, artificial, wellness, intelligence, perception, knowledge



Replacing Evil With Good - (on Brighteon)

Replacing Evil With Good - (on Rumble)

We have the potential to become aware of reality with vastly more insight and understanding than conventionally limited consciousness allows us to perceive.

In the apparent duality our trained thinking assumes, there are some choices to be made involving the determination of whether an action is bad or good.

There are gray areas of course, but many activities that humans have chosen to pursue appear to be of an evil nature.

Fortunately, goodness also exists, and there are people dedicated to it as well.

If we can learn how to enhance awareness and guide our thinking, we can proceed more directly in a positive mode, a “yes-wise” direction of goodness.

Evil arises from severe separation from love. The planning by the global cabal and development of their complex empire, their goal of full spectrum dominance, their war on humanity with public poisons, financial bondage, psychological operations and human trafficking, are all expressions of evil intent.

Goodness is the outgrowth of the power of holistic love. As we develop awareness in holistic reality, we consciously heal and grow to recognize and realize our potential.

Awareness of multiple dimensions of holistic reality and skills of self-observation, critical thinking, discernment and discipline are essential for clearing issues of separation thinking, ill health, emotional disturbances, misunderstanding and conflict.

It is especially critical to stop the dissemination of public poisons and clean up our environment, from home to planet.

We need to develop strong community relationships through small support groups working together to learn and plan for making it all better.

While changes and disturbances are occurring and may become intense, and there are threats of expanded war and social chaos, at the same time, the caring and mutual support of holistic love and goodness are growing.

A transformation in consciousness is underway. It is time for an end to war, deception, manipulation, harm and evil intent. Focus thought and action on replacing evil with good.

The awakening greater wisdom of holistic reality, natural health, holistic healing and growth in loving awareness needs shared widely as we express our love and care for each other in this challenging time.


evil, good, reality, consciousness, duality, choice, goodness, positive, holistic, love, empire, war, poisons, awareness, heal, self, health, conflict, community, relationships, social, chaos, support, wisdom, healing




The Real Self - (on Brighteon)

The Real Self - (on Rumble)

The real self is our connection with the soul, the vehicle of our awareness and the individual agent of our experience and creative expression.

One’s real self can be the guide for the process of life improvement with assistance from resources exhibiting greater wisdom.

I consider the main purposes of living to be learning, growing in awareness and developing deeper loving.

Many get distracted with meaningless folly, false ideas and/or mistaken objectives.

How successful can we be at accomplishing these if we do not have an accurate perspective on what is happening, who we are and what we are doing?

The concept of “holistic health” or “holistic healing” blossomed in the 1970’s. Greater understanding of the effects of mental and emotional states on physical health and vice versa was explored along with natural foods, spiritual attunement and energetic healing modalities.

(naturopathy, homeopathy, herbology, meditation, detoxification, healing hands, chiropractic, kinesiology, energetic exercises, breathing)

The philosophy of “holistic reality” is natural holism. It incorporates the holistic natural health protocol of “detoxify - nourish - relax – exercise”.

The whole healthy self applies these principles on all levels -- the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of both the individual and society.

Better health and wellness on every level of our being is the purpose of this. Wisdom is enhanced by mental clarity, shared knowledge and worthwhile experience.

For example, relaxing both tension and the chronic concern for what stresses us leads to a calmer approach to life. Reviewing past problems and traumas with an attitude of acceptance, forgiveness, learning and gratitude, helps us move on to new experiences with less impairment from recycling our past disturbances.

They say that loving others is an outgrowth of loving oneself. This is not about ego - enhancing one’s public image. It is about self-nurture and pursuing natural health -- taking good care of yourself.

This involves expanding our knowledge beyond the false concepts of establishment information.

Holistic living is the path for resolving the challenges of this era. Awareness of multiple dimensions of reality is essential for clearing issues of health, emotional disturbances, misunderstanding and conflict.

Holistic healing is mutually related with holistic loving. Our power of love serves the whole world.

At the same time, detoxification needs to occur on the mental-emotional and etheric-spiritual levels as well as the physical. Similarly, nourishment is essential for all aspects of our nature to have a long well life.

A transformation in consciousness is underway. Changes and disturbances are occurring and may become intense.

The awakening wisdom of healing and growth in awareness of the real self needs shared widely as we express our love and care for each other in this challenging time.


self, soul, awareness, experience, creative, expression, life, wisdom, learning, loving, holistic, health, healing, mental, emotional, natural, spiritual, breathing, detoxify, nourish, relax, exercise, wellness, knowledge, transformation



February, 2024:


Awareness - (on Brighteon)

Awareness - (on Rumble)

The sense of separation we live with in society is a false reality. Awareness, creative loving aware energy, is the underlying true reality.

We become what we contemplate. The more we think of loving awareness as the basis of making choices and taking actions, the better life would be for all of us.

They say that loving others is an outgrowth of loving oneself, which is not about being selfish or enhancing one’s public image, about persona and ego.

Loving oneself is about self-nurture, pursuing natural health and growing in awareness -- taking good care of yourself.

This involves expanding our philosophy and digging for knowledge beyond the false concepts of establishment information, then acting on the revised perspective. If we share that knowledge with loved ones, it will help them improve their lives as well.

Peace, joy and love can be our meditation.

The term “sin” means “missing the mark”. It is a mistake. Sin is “Self-Inflicted Narcissism”. We can learn to avoid it.

A transformation in consciousness is underway. The awakening greater wisdom of re-creation is very important to the renewal of our individual lives, our society and our world. Re-creation is creating anew for making it better.

As the creative process is engaged tension is relaxed, distractions fade from interest, artificial limits to thinking can be bypassed and the mind is refreshed with expanded awareness.

Educating oneself and raising awareness are crucially important, especially at this time. Expanding awareness involves open mindedness, natural health, holistic healing, perception of holistic reality, mutual support and developing the tools of awareness.

As we become conscious of the creative process, distractions fade from interest, artificial limits to thinking can be bypassed, tension is relaxed and the mind is refreshed with expanded awareness.

Real artists communicate ideas and images that serve cultural improvement through criticism, emotion, imagination or inspiration.

The employment of imagination, planning, organizing and action to express creativity is what is needed for the advancement of humanity.

We have the potential to become aware of holistic reality with vastly more insight and understanding than conventionally limited consciousness allows us to perceive.

We can enjoy making the world better by working together, sharing our talents for a most fulfilling project, such as renewal of health and restoration of our planet’s ecosystem.

Every second, every thought, every cell, every subatomic particle is changing, moving, vibrating, all influenced by consciousness as we express it. If we can learn how to enhance awareness and guide our thinking, we can proceed in a positive mode, ultimately to a realization of holistic awareness and wiser life choices.

As with almost everyone, we may have spent an extended amount of time and energy restricting, even undermining, our individual and collective progress, mostly unconsciously.

Most of us limit our life energy to focus on many distractions or fruitless pursuits. Hypnotized, fascinated and preoccupied with illusions of separation and fear, how many of us have missed out on comprehending the full understanding of love?

Now, by the very present attention on the idea of greater wisdom and love, we are already advancing in awareness.

As we develop our practice of self-observation and intentional focusing of creative love and life energy, the aware loving reality that manifests and sustains all life is revealed.

We can consciously heal and grow to recognize and realize our potential in loving awareness.


awareness, separation, society, reality, creative, energy, choices, action, life, ego, self, natural, health, growing, philosophy, information, peace, joy, love, sin, consciousness, wisdom, creation, holistic, healing



Loving Kindness - (on Brighteon)

Loving Kindness - (on Rumble)

At this time of transformational challenge, a greater manifestation of human kindness is needed in our world.

The power of loving is the dynamic spiritual energy of creative awareness expressing goodness, beauty, peace and joy, with kindness, caring and healing.

Even though there are such disturbing actions as deception, manipulation, war and rumors of war, economic crisis and social chaos, loving kindness is capable of inspiring people to resolve difficult challenges.

The sense of separation we live with in society is a false reality. The more we think of loving as the basis of making choices and taking actions, the better life would be for all of us.

They say that loving others is an outgrowth of loving oneself, which is not about being selfish or enhancing one’s public image, not about persona and ego.

Loving oneself is about self-nurture, pursuing natural health and growing in awareness -- taking good care of yourself.

This involves expanding our philosophy and digging for knowledge beyond the false concepts of establishment information, then acting on the revised perspective. If we share that knowledge with loved ones, it will help them improve their lives as well.

Creative loving awareness is the underlying true reality. The power of loving is the dynamic energy of creative expression, caring and healing. 

Loving, forgiveness and gratitude, with honesty and kindness, are the foundational qualities of awareness and healing.

The intent of making life better for creative living by improving intelligence and well-being is an expression of loving kindness.

Physicists tell us that matter is actually made up of pulsing vibrations, strings or filaments of frequency that display as thought, light or sound and may exhibit the density of mass.

In his equation, e = mc2, Albert Einstein suggested that energy is equivalent to matter at a high vibration, and that matter is slowed-down energy.

Thoughts, too, are vibrational in nature. A thought is an impulse moving through the brain. As a thought is generated, the brain flexes in wrinkles.

Every thought, every event, every living thing, every object, and every element, each is a form of energy manifesting in a myriad of variations. All are frequencies. Everything that occurs and everyone and everything that participates in anything that occurs is related.

Therefore, your thoughts, good or bad, affect me and others; and my thoughts affect you and everyone else as well.

The Golden Rule, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you“, is also stated as, “Love your neighbor as yourself”. Living by the Golden Rule entails expressing loving kindness.

Through our relationships with friends and family, we have the opportunity to develop our understanding, appreciation and expression of loving kindness.

Loving kindness results in good communication and cooperative action.

“Love your neighbor as yourself,” as your neighbor is yourself.


loving, kindness, challenge, creative, awareness, goodness, peace, caring, healing, reality, life, knowledge, forgiveness, gratitude, honesty, intelligence, frequencies, thought, love, neighbor, world, communication, cooperative, action



The Power of Love - (on Brighteon)

The Power of Love - (on Rumble)

Holistic loving is the foundational dynamic energy of life itself. Creative action, peace, caring, healing, sharing, joy, goodness and kindness are all expressions of loving.

The power of loving is capable of inspiring people to resolve difficult challenges and move on to great accomplishments.

Now, by the very present attention on the idea of holistic loving and goodness, we are already advancing in consciousness. As we develop in holistic loving, we consciously heal and grow to recognize and realize our potential.

The practice of self-observation and intentional focusing of life energy for good, expands perception of the holistic reality of the creator, creative loving awareness, that manifests and sustains everything.

Creative awareness is the holistic loving intelligent life energy, “the real one”, that is manifesting holistic reality, being all that is, the ever-creative universe expressing and experiencing as us and all.


Love Is Our Power

Copyright 2012, Jon David Miller

There is a power that is real; providing life for everyone;

Just like the flowers in the field, share in the radiance of the sun.

Love is our power, wonderful strong and kind;     

Loving is wisdom, a loving heart and mind.


The power of love is always here, revealing truth, inspiring mind;

The power of love releases fear, clearing the way for us to find...

Love is our power, wonderful strong and kind;     

Loving is healing, a loving heart and mind.


The time has come to love our freedom; We can open our hearts and fully be;

The light of love is always shining, so we can know that we are free.

Love is our power, wonderful strong and kind;     

Loving is freedom, a loving heart and mind.


Let our love light shine!


power, loving, holistic, energy, peace, healing, goodness, kindness, inspiring, consciousness, good, reality, creator, creative, awareness, universe, love, wisdom, heart, truth, mind, fear, freedom, light



Goodness - (on Brighteon)

Goodness - (on Rumble)

Honesty, kindness, forgiveness, cooperation and gratitude are aspects of goodness that result in good thoughts, good actions and healing.

The goodness of holistic reality is an expression of the loving of creative awareness.

Some enjoy an experience of goodness by being out in nature, hiking, camping, bird-watching, and so on. Others find the good in just being alive, especially those who have battled an illness, or lost a loved one.

Much goodness is found in creativity – using our life energy to express and enhance the beauty and insights of life for ourselves and others in artistic presentations and performances: drawings, paintings, sculptures, crafts, photography, music, dance, drama, speaking, poetry, literature, and more.

Many find their greatest good in their relationships with loved ones and friends. Most of us like to spend time in what I call “good company”. At a certain point in maturity, truly intimate relationships become a focal point of the good in one’s life.

Spiritual people celebrate the creator, the creative source awareness, as the origin of all goodness. Peace, joy and harmony are associated with the divine as highly good qualities emanating from loving.

Gratitude is good. Giving expresses gratefulness. GIVE, is the acronym of “Gratitude Is Very Easy”. Giving thanks for every present and all that has happened. All the education of experience, whether apparently good or bad, makes now better.

Goodness is a manifestation of the power of holistic loving and shared creative awareness.


goodness, honesty, kindness, forgiveness, cooperation, gratitude, good, thoughts, action, healing, holistic, reality, loving, creative, awareness, nature, beauty, life, art, relationship, peace, joy, harmony, giving, thanks



January, 2024:


Creative Awareness - (on Brighteon)

Creative Awareness - (on Rumble)

The creative process is very important to the renewal of our lives and our world. The source of the holistic reality through which we live and grow is creative awareness.

The employment of awareness, imagination, planning, organizing and action to express creativity is needed for renewal of health and restoration of our planet’s ecosystem and social organization. We can enjoy making it better by working together, sharing our talents for a most fulfilling project.

A transformation in consciousness is underway. This awakening is widely needed in this time of challenge.

Educating oneself and raising awareness are crucially important, especially at this time. Expanding awareness involves open mindedness, natural health, holistic healing, mutual support and developing the tools of perception.

I consider the main purposes of living to be learning, growing in awareness and developing deeper loving and kindness. How successful can we be at accomplishing these if we do not have an accurate perspective on what is happening, who we are and what we are doing?

Learning about natural health, detoxification and holistic healing methods are part of expanding creative awareness. Ill health preoccupies attention and detracts from creativity.

We need to develop strong community relationships through small support groups working together to learn and plan for making things better. It is especially critical to stop the dissemination of public poisons and clean up our environment, from home to planet.

Holistic living is the path for resolving the challenges of this era. Awareness of multiple dimensions of reality is essential for clearing issues of health, emotional disturbances, misunderstanding and conflict.

Holistic healing is mutually related with holistic loving. Our power of loving manifesting through creative awareness serves the whole world.

Developing a community engaged in creative awareness can produce solutions to our multiple crises and formation of a new path of living in harmony with nature.

In the course of purposeful living, we serve humanity with whatever fosters the freedom of will, clarifies the knowledge, inspires the intuitive insight, fires the passion and manifests the action for pursuing greater awareness and creativity.


creative, awareness, imagination, planning, organizing, action, ecosystem, social, organization, transformation, awakening, challenge, natural, health, holistic, healing, support, perception, poisons, environment, solutions, reality, love, community, purpose



Creative Expression - (on Brighteon)

Creative Expression - (on Rumble)

The Spirit of Life, Source, God, Creative Reality, Awareness,…no matter what it is called, it is creative. It is dynamic. It is holistic and universal. It is described as intelligent and loving, as life love energy.

What it does is manifest. It imagines, generates and orchestrates what seem at times to be miracles. Isn’t this a miracle, that we or anything exists?

With expanding varieties of ideas and expressions of itself, the Creator manifests multiple levels of realities with nodes of intelligent interaction, communication and creative participation.

I believe that the real purpose of life is to learn and grow in creative awareness, for both this universal idea wellspring and energy fountain, and for each of us as a drop of its temporarily self-identifying spray of creativity.

In the course of purposeful living, we serve humanity with whatever fosters the freedom of will, clarifies the knowledge, inspires the intuitive insight, fires the passion and manifests the action for pursuing greater awareness and creativity.

Ultimately, we can expand caring for ourselves, others and humanity as a whole in loving kindness. We heal traumas, illness and the sense of separation in the process.

The real self is creative awareness individualized, the inner connection to higher dimensions and the loving creative reality source awareness and power.


creative, expression, spirit, life, source, God, reality, awareness, holistic, universal, loving, energy, creator, miracles, ideas, communication, purpose, learn, grow, creativity, freedom, knowledge, insight, passion, heal



A New Start - (on Brighteon)

A New Start - (on Rumble)

Welcome to a new start. It is not uncommon to experience change, to undertake a new beginning. Examples are: a new job or position, new home, new school, new organization, new project, or becoming a new parent.

Sometimes a new start may seem to have been imposed on us, especially if it poses challenges. Better are the new starts we choose for ourselves for making things better.


There is an intelligent life energy, spiritual intelligence, a creative awareness, that manifests everything that we perceive and know. Some traditions call this creative force "God", while others call it something else or do not try to describe it.

In the process of creation ideas are conceived in what some call "Mind", a universal conscious reality which operates in a consistent manner. There are ideas, images, thoughts, even laws that are established in this realm that are dependable. From the individual's view, much of this great Mind is unconscious.

Creative energy, with willing intention, utilizing imagination and intelligence, also unfolds conceptions into expression through the universal laws to create the physical realm, including people, plants and animals, as well as other dimensions. This is creative action.

To the degree that we express ourselves well with love and wisdom, we have the ability to create a personal reality that serves our advancement in awareness.


Each experience, normal or strange,

Is part of the permanent process of change;

Transformations, choice or chance,

Each a step in a lifelong dance.

Life is always changing as we move through learning, growing, healing and knowing.

When we make a new start, we are in a mode of paying more attention. There may be a method, processes or steps to learn. We are more aware.

A worthwhile mission is to increase understanding and to inspire transformation of ourselves and take care of the apparently challenging global situation we face with awareness and caring action to restore harmonious life on this planet.

Live in the presence -- where the "creative action” is. Beyond the doubt and fear of misunderstanding is the truth of loving.

A New Start

We are making a new start, willing to do our part,

Getting better day by day;        

                    Creative action is an art, a good start from the heart,

                    For living in a better way.            


Working together, with the skills of many hands,

Helping each other make the best life we can.


                    Life becoming better as harm and suffering cease;

                    With kindness for each other, we live and grow in peace.


                    Making a new start, awareness growing here and there;

                    As we care for one another, love flowers everywhere.


                Now is the time to move with purpose on a new start.


new, experience, change, challenge, attention, learn, intelligence, creative, awareness, God, Mind, ideas, images, laws, action, love, wisdom, reality, growing, healing, transformation, choice, chance, mission, purpose



Holistic Reality - (on Brighteon)

Holistic Reality - (on Rumble)


Holistic Reality is a philosophy of natural life improvement for greater wisdom as we care for each other in this challenging time.

Holistic reality incorporates natural health wellness and creative awareness. 

The potential benefits of attuning with holistic reality are: increasing well-being, clearing perception, improving intelligence, inspiration, expanding awareness and creativity, and enhancing mutual kindness, honest sharing and goodness.

Holistic reality encompasses all of what is really happening. It is the totality of elements influencing life and both conscious and unconscious experience of it. This is more than a human individual can know in its entirety.

Nonetheless, simply contemplating this concept of holistic reality expands the conscious holistic mind beyond the scope of conventional thinking.

Perception of reality may be clouded by behavioral programming, strategic deception, intentional misinformation and psychological operations.

Holistic reality is better recognized with improvements in natural health, perception, thought processes, discernment and spiritual attunement.

Progress in these areas may develop with a natural health-oriented lifestyle and holistic reality analysis.


Holistic Reality Analysis

Holistic reality analysis is a method of critical examination utilizing a growing consciousness of holistic reality, an expansion of holistic mind.

This approach regards an issue or topic with a comprehensive view.

We can draw on a variety of resources and entertain multiple points of view within a larger picture of holistic reality.

Employing holistic reality analysis, we can examine what is going on, compare interpretations, ideas and opinions, uncover manipulation and falsehood, learn real ways of improvement, share thoughts and determine the best course of good creative action serving our advancement in consciousness.

Learning the skills of critical thinking has been pretty much phased out of the mass educational process over the years.

Those among us that still have enough critical ability to perceive that the controlled media and educational institutions present us a distortion of reality, have turned to other sources of information.

There are many alternative websites, books, discussions, videos and recordings, some reflecting just one individual’s view on matters of their choice, and others presenting multiple articles or other inputs from different people on various issues.

Critical ability is needed just as much in the alternative realm, because "controlled opposition" and disinformation agents are positioned by the control cabal on all sides of every issue or event important to them.

Trolls often post disparaging remarks or express a countering point of view in the web page comments of online articles. Many of these actors actually represent vested interests, including sinister groups.

Similarly, media and political puppets push points of an agenda planned, set and promoted by those above them in the control cabal pyramid.

Some of these are secret "gatekeepers", subtly acting to guide thinking on certain issues in a way that serves a controlling influence.

Secretive planners in the think tanks and on the corporate boards of the global control cabal are playing high-level chess, enhanced by computerized intelligence, in pursuit of the multi-generational goal of the upper echelon of global elitists -- full spectrum dominance of humanity.

The confusion and potential chaos of opposing viewpoints, competing interests and hostile threats are routinely exploited by those in positions of control as means of distraction and diversion of energy, as well as to spotlight social conditioning memes for the masses.

Mental and emotional dynamics are manipulated by sophisticated physical and psychological control methods, including chemicals, frequencies, illness, programming, imagery, pageantry, myth, symbols, rituals, staged events, confusion, trauma and fear.

The Hegelian Dialectic of thesis - antithesis - synthesis, also known as "problem - reaction - solution", is used in conjunction with game theory, propaganda, false flags, public poisons and psychological operations of the military intelligence agencies, in developing the strategy to guide people toward and through gates of acceptance leading to debility, infertility, mind control and terminal illness.

However, we have a “white-hat alliance” of people working to expose all this and turn it around, to get rid of these negative and evil influences.

With the holistic reality analysis process, we can recognize our serious situation, then learn to protect ourselves and take steps to work together to make it better.

As we grow in awareness of multiple dimensions of holistic reality, skills of self-observation, critical analysis and discipline are essential for clearing issues of separation thinking, ill health, emotional disturbances, misunderstanding and conflict.

As we improve expression of holistic loving we engage in acts and projects of cooperative kind action for improved life.

Holistic Reality

life improvement & wisdom

natural health wellness

creative awareness

holistic mind, intelligence




goodness, kindness



holistic, reality, philosophy, life, improvement, wisdom, natural, health, wellness creative, awareness, well-being, perception, intelligence, inspiration, kindness, honest, goodness, mind, psychological, cabal, analysis, critical, thinking, love



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Grandfather Jon's Song Videos

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Grandfather Jon's Homemade Song Videos

Grandfather Jon is recording homemade, close-up videos with his phone, practice performances of original songs. Enjoy the social analysis and life insights of holistic philosophy and thought expressed in these creative songs as they are occasionally improved. Jon is a longtime storyteller, songwriter and performer of acoustic music - blues, ballads, life and inspiration.



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