YESwise Holistic Learning

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Yeswise Education Service

holistic learning for well-being

Holistic Learning Modules


with Jon David Miller, M.A., M.Div.

holistic researcher, educator, practitioner, philosopher and author

~ over 60 years of reality research ~

(more about Jon)

I need your help.

Please stay with me here, as I have some very important issues to make you aware of that you may be pre-disposed to ignore or reject early.

For decades I have researched information about human nature and behavior, as well as the insights, narratives and mythologies of history, economics, philosophy, religion, food, health and science. Much of what we have been convinced to believe is not how things really are or have been.

We have been deceived regarding a lot of what is taken for granted. False knowledge and manipulation have caused us great harm, undermining health and impeding growth in awareness, self development and better human relations.

Please consider the information I have prepared for you to be as important as anything you have ever learned. There is much of it you probably do not already know. Some of it is shocking; some of it is amazing. In any case, it is important to know it.


Unhealthy Conditions

We are living in a seriously confusing, stressful and toxic environment. Misunderstanding, tension, stress and toxins have been causal factors in nearly any illness or other personal problem you may have had. Other key contributing factors are likely to have been an inadequate supply of nutrients, oxygen and good water to the cells, and a related deficiency in full mental and emotional abilities.

If you have not pursued a holistic lifestyle of natural health practices and a positive attitude, you probably have had some health issues, unless you either have an extraordinarily strong constitution, or you have been very lucky so far.

Serious health conditions and similar problems are avoidable, but few of us were taught correctly about how to take care of ourselves naturally and how to avoid being kept unknowledgeable about actual reality.


Deceptive Programming

We have been led to assume that we know all we need to, or to act as though we are well-informed, when that is not the case. Our engineered social structure and the selfish lifestyle and behavior it engenders, have led us to a desperately polluted world and kept us preoccupied with adherence to obsolete values, and outmoded animosities.

We have been purposely deceived and distracted by a well-planned presentation of incorrect information, staged events, false reality narratives, psychological operations and hypnotic programming.

In other words, the powers in control of the institutions that plan policies and script the information narratives of history, economics and science, as well as current and future events, want us "dumbed down", ignorant or skeptical of the true reality that their propaganda obscures, and also divided, all to perpetuate their control.


Digging Deeper

Based on decades of broad education, experience, research, writing and teaching, I have prepared a comprehensive knowledge base to inform you about intentional misinformation and deception, and guide you through the principles and methods of holistic natural health wellness for improvement in health and well-being and prevention of problems. I also suggest ways of protection from being misled and ideas for better creative living.

Our tendencies for indulgence in distracting, irrelevant interests and activities, "normalcy bias" (the assumption that our lives are "normal", and that normalcy will continue), and the resulting complacency, have caused most of us to accept false reality regarding a number of important concerns.

I have sat out on much of the earning and consumption game to live frugally and spend a great amount of time researching. This research has uncovered sophisticated manipulative planning and secret technologies, projects and poisons used against us.

There have also been suppressed breakthroughs and concepts that could transform our lives, free us from harm and make life more enjoyable. As we turn the momentum to our benefit, these should be revealed and implemented as soon as possible.

My information can help to guide us past cognitive dissonance (exposure to a perspective at odds with what you have been thinking) to a better life. The knowledge also includes insightful methods for avoidance of poisons, improvement in health and well-being and prevention of problems.


Good News

There are many good people who are working to uncover what is false, expose the hidden or misunderstood programs and projects that have dominated our lives, and roll out the new technologies and ways of thinking that can help us.

Our purpose is to have a cleaner, more harmonious world where we can live and grow in wisdom, rather than one of separative mind control, intentional poisoning, massive crime and conflict.

The shocking bad news is that we have been lied to, manipulated, poisoned and tremendously distracted, so that we do not recognize the real reasons for our deterioration in health, our dedication to false benefits such as consumption and accumulation, and our competitive behavior and hostility.

The good news is that intelligent insightful people are working to uncover reality and improve our situation, and that can include you, if not already.



How can you help? Foremost is to take care of your health with natural living and avoid the poisons as much as possible. Beyond that it is very important to devote time and energy to learning about our real circumstances and problems, as well as helping with solutions.

You can learn about natural health wellness, about surviving the changes that are unfolding, about the mass mind manipulation and poisoning by the cabal of controllers, about holistic learning in multiple subjects with various methods, about how we can work together to create a life that serves our growth in creativity, caring and wisdom.

I have prepared several courses of knowledge in a program called Yeswise Education Service offering Holistic Learning Modules, with far-reaching information and insights about issues and improvements in health, mind power, creative action and social organization.

Your help is needed and welcomed, including financial support for the project, either by donation or by purchasing some of the outstanding beneficial products available at some of my other websites.

I suggest taking the "Natural Health Wellness Test". Included with the test at no charge is the link to valuable natural health information appropriate for the situations indicated in the test that should be helpful for making improvements. These details of self-care can be explored more thoroughly in the Natural Health Wellness Learning Module.

We need to be as healthy and as intelligent as possible to make our lives and the world better. This important module lays out the principles and methods for greater improvement in health and well-being and prevention of health problems.

If you are not concerned for yourself, study this for the sake of children and future generations.



One of my early projects after graduate school, over 45 years ago, was organizing a natural foods cooperative and an organic food distribution project, bringing natural and organic foods, including fresh produce, to people in my community.

The co-op program continued for over 30 years, inspiring the growth of local natural foods outlets, and concluding with the establishment of natural and organic foods departments in a local supermarket chain, and multiple community gardens around town. Now those gardens are flourishing, and there are many local sources for organic foods.

I studied holistic natural health in depth in the 1970's and wrote and published a book, Nutrition, Health and Harmony: A Handbook of Natural Health in 1978. Many thousands of copies reached all over the nation and even to Europe. Additional learning and writing followed, as well as speaking, conducting seminars and doing consultations around Ohio and the Eastern USA.

Since the 1990's, for over 25 years, I have presented informative articles and recordings and offered health supporting products on the internet. I have been online longer than Google, Facebook, PayPal, Ebay, Amazon, etc.



I urge you to pursue learning from the materials I have now prepared for getting absolutely needed information to as many people as possible. The modules and their lessons and reports are presented in an easy-to-understand format, with both text and a number of audio recordings, at no set charge.

More information is often added, much of it through my Aware More Review "blog-casts" at, important articles presented with text and video.

I guarantee that you will learn something new and valuable in the education I offer. In fact, there is much that you really need to know about what is happening in our world that threatens the health, stability and even the lives of you and your loved ones. Together we can take steps to minimize the negative effects and make the world a better place.


Yeswise Education Service

Holistic Learning Modules

for well-being

learning modules consisting of several segments each

some of the subjects include:

~ natural health wellness principles

~ holistic living

~ alternative health care

~ stress control & relaxation

~ environmental toxins

~ holistic learning

~ financial problems

~ concealed knowledge

~ hidden technologies

~ secret weapons of population control

~ holistic philosophy of life improvement

~ clearing mental & emotional obstacles

~ increased intelligence & mind expansion

~ greater awareness, creativity & well-being

~ improved self knowledge & better relationships

~ breakthrough insights & technologies for better living

~ self-care, protecting health, illness prevention & healing

~ nutrients, water, oxygen, super foods, herbs, growing food

~ surviving the changes -- those underway and those forthcoming


YESwise Holistic Learning

Holistic learning is the process of expanding awareness, knowledge and insight for positive growth in wisdom.

The intent of holistic learning is engaging the whole self to explore the whole of reality beyond what we were presented in school or by the falsified narratives of history and the media.

These holistic learning modules highlight information that can be shocking for many people. We have been misled by a coordinated conspiracy of power players intent on full control of us. It is usually disturbing to learn one has been deceived. However, we must not let it foster depression and inertia.

Realize that each of us is a spiritual being greater than our physical and mental experience. We have come to this realm for learning and growth for a temporary period.

It is critically important to maintain connection with our whole self and our Creator through focus on spiritual awareness, love and goodness in prayer and meditation.

This holistic awareness helps us perceive, understand and take action to deal with the serious challenges posed by those who pursue evil plans and operations of deception and control.


Become as Knowledgeable as Possible

Insufficient information is a primary problem and a major limit on health, knowledge and wisdom.

If you take the steps to avoid false reality, the orchestrated deception and manipulation, the suffering of confusion, anxiety and ill health, you will also avoid the disappointment of missing what you could have learned.

Join us in the holistic learning process of digging deeper and climbing higher. Find out what important knowledge lies beyond the veil of ignorance and deception.

Please help to make others aware of holistic learning and this needed information.


Yeswise Education Service

holistic learning for well-being

Holistic Learning Modules


Natural Health Portal to Wellness

Public Poisons

Survive The Changes

The Control Cabal

Holistic Reality Philosophy


Intended Future Modules:

Cooperative Community: Transforming the Control System

Holistic Healing: Clearing the Mind and Body of Distress

NOTE: Learning Module pages may be periodically upgraded with improvements, and the internet location of the modules and archives pages may change. You are welcome to share the learning modules with family members and friends.


Yeswise Insights

brief video blog-casts

issues of awareness and well-being

Video (4:56): "Natural Health Wellness"

"The deeper you dig and the higher you climb, the more you will learn."


Holistic Consultations

natural health, healing, well-being, awareness and wisdom


Please support this informative project through purchases at:

or one of our related websites

natural health wellness for being really well

Thank You!


Holistic Educator: Jon David Miller, M.A., M.Div.

~ researcher in natural health wellness, human nature, social science and philosophy; singer-songwriter and author (Nutrition, Health and Harmony: A Handbook of Natural Health - 1978, plus many other books); as well as presenter of seminars, lectures, consultations, recordings, articles, newsletters and websites.

more about Jon


DISCLAIMER: The information provided at Natural Health Enterprises and Life Circle Media websites is for educational and entertainment purposes and is not intended as financial, psychological or medical diagnosis, treatment or advice, nor as a substitute for the advice of a qualified professional of any type.


If you have a question or comment, contact us.


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Life Circle Media

Natural Health Enterprises

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since 1975~ online since 1995

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